If you know what Building M refers to, email root
at this domain to get an account. I'll also set you up with xbackbone access.
Yes, but only from localhost--I decided to delegate authentication and transport security to SSH. Personally I like Gnus as a client and just run it in an irssi session, but you can also use your client of choice by setting up SSH port forwarding.
Yes, send an email to news
at this domain.
Sorry. Email abuse
with info about who sucks and I'll see what's up.
This server runs cleanfeed and NoCeM on the spool, and it's a good start, but I think Usenet would be seriously improved if more servers took the following simple steps:
to 3.bad_paths
So if you're reading this page (somehow) and you're also a Usenet server admin (unlikely), and you think this is a good idea or you have more suggestions, email me.
We've got The Lounge, a general-purpose IRC client/bouncer that can connect to whatever servers you care about. Email root for an account.